Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A New Language

After all these years of Barney, Dora the Explorer and the Backyardigans I find myself stepping into new and unfamiliar territory. I am bewildered, confused and very excited all at the same time for I am learning (or teaching myself) a totally new language. HTML, SEO and RSS feed are all the rage now and on most days I flip from feeling totally overwhelmed at the enormity of the task I have undertaken to pleasantly surprised that I am actually picking this stuff up, slowly but surely.

I have read many e-books and perused countless blogs and forums all in the hopes that I might find a simpler language for a forty-something mother of four, but alas to no avail. I have stepped into the world of the future and there's no turning back now. I have begun on a journey that may never end , given the leaps and bounds at which technology seems to be progressing. I pray the my patience holds tight and that my readers bear with me as I learn and apply this new language to the "cyber" world, as well as to the "real-time world".

1 comment:

Greetje said...

I was looking for your buzzfuse widget, as I saw your blog in the list there, but I can't find it.

What are you going to do with your new language?
Create your own bloglook?

Good luck!

It's fun.

Just save what worked well in a testfile, so when something goes wrong you can put it right back.
