Saturday, April 19, 2008

Job or Career?

Job or Career? I used to think that only one or the other was possible. Now after much search on the greatest technological advancement known to modern man -- the world wide web I realize that both are possible and simultaneously. I have discovered that this is a great world we live in, in which one can hold down a pretty decent job while at the same time building a career that could provide income for potentially the rest of his/her life. It's so exciting for me that I want to shout from the rooftops and share all that I have discovered with the world.

With just a couple (or more like a couple thousand) of clicks I have opened up a world of possibilities. I have now lists of potential jobs and also access to many (although I have only chosen one) wonderful careers. With my discovery of sites like and the job possibilities are endless and with my accidental stumbling upon sites such as I realize that I have opened up a whole new world in career options.

So, as I sit here tapping away I can barely contain my excitement in sharing this with you, yes you and every other person that reads this post.