Thursday, January 1, 2009


I realize that this is not the most eye-catching or professionally "put together" blog on the internet today but I do enjoy it and the fact that so many others have. Now what I need from those of you who have enjoyed reading some of the articles I have written over the passed year or will enjoy reading over the next year is advice, tips, mentoring about not only this blog but the whole genre that this blog represents. I have enjoyed and have been mildly successful in all of my endeavours over the passed year and would like to move forward to "the next level", so to speak and start earning a reasonable and sustainable income using the internet as my tool. So I would appreciate any feedback, tips, advice or ideas on not only, how to improve this blog but on how to earn a full-time income through and with the internet. Once again, thanks for stopping by and hope to hear from you in the future!!!!


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